Should you create content?

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If I ever end up making a list of the most popular questions asked to me, this would probably land in the top 3:
“Tibo, You’ve already crossed 100k followers, getting traction is easy for you. X is saturated now, why should I even consider creating content? I don’t think it will help me“
So let’s clear all of these questions today:
  • Should I create content?
  • How will it benefit me if I have a small audience?
  • Shouldn’t I focus on ads and other forms of marketing?
  • How should I approach #buildinpublic?

Creating content

Should every single founder create content? YES!
Why? Simple — because it’s a gamewith only wins. No losses.
There’s literally no downside to creating content online. You gain fans, more people know about your product, and you attract opportunities.
All of this just for a few minutes a day. Sounds like a great deal to me.
But the most important reason as to why you should create content is this:
It builds trust and authority. People can search for you on Google and know you are a real human running a real business. They now respect your opinions.

How to make it work with a small following

I have 2 things to say here:
1/ EVERYONE starts small
I also once had an account that had 100 followers, and 1000 followers. We all start somewhere.
It doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen. You just have to create content every day and improve with data.
2/ You don’t need a million followers
Sure, 100k followers are very cool. But if I had to guess, only 500-1000 of those followers became my customers (might be way less than that)
You don’t need to be well known. You need to be known well.
Who follows you is much more important than how many people follow you!
Here is an amazing thread on finding your 1000 true fans:

Ads, emails, and other forms of marketing

This is the best part and a lot of people are surprised when I tell them this:
The conversion rates on ads and other paid mediums increase drastically when you also create content.
So your tweets and LinkedIn posts might not bring you customers directly. But they surely help in reducing your marketing costs over time.
And this happens for a very simple reason: everyone verifies everything they do/buy on social media. If they find your organic, helpful content — they are much more likely to buy.
This is not just for SaaS. This happens with agencies, ecom stores, and most types of businesses.

Build in public — How to do it right

Apart from being a place where you can find clients, customers, and friends - Social media is an incredible source of feedback, data, and insights.
I still have a lot of people give me incredible feedback on and and where to go with these products.
But that only happens when you share targeted content with a targeted audience.
So don’t shy away from sharing your numbers, and insights, asking for feedback, and most importantly - challenge yourself to ship more.
Building in isolation is easy and slow. But building in public is very fast and iterative.
Just 1 tip here: don’t overwork yourself to burnout. Do it at the right pace.
Longevity > intensity

So that’s my take on social media! Heavily underrated still, this can be the game changer for your business.
What do you think?
Reply to this email and let me know 👇

Tweet of the week

Zuck is the ultimate tech bro.
Builds cool stuff. Open sources it. Above money at this point. Got the best drip. Comes out in public and does podcasts.

That’s it for this week!
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Hit reply and let me know what you found most helpful this week—I’d love to hear from you!
See you next Thursday!
Keep building
Tibo 💻

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