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Big news: Found someone for SuperX! 🎉
This is the project where I think we can work some magic. Super excited for this.
(SuperX - Super excited. Get the joke? No? Just me? damn.)
But more importantly - let me show you exactly how I filtered through 50+ applications to find the right person.
Because the DMs I got... oh boy. 😅

First, the context

SuperX situation:
  • $1,200 MRR
  • $800 net monthly profit
  • Webapp almost ready (but not launched)
  • Previous partnership didn't work out
And more importantly, I believe in the product and the market.
Tweet Hunter targeted the same market and look where we are now.

The Process That Works

Whenever I have to find someone, from small apprenticeship to product co-founders, I follow the same process.
Here's exactly what I did:
  1. Tweet about what I'm looking for
  1. Initial DM screening
  1. Test project
  1. Trial week with top few candidates (Very imp, date before marrying 😅)
Simple but effective. This works.
Announcing soon who this person is, maybe you know him from X. Can’t wait to grow SuperX with him 🚀

The DM Horror Show 💀

Let me share some of the worst DMs I got:
  • "Hi" (that's it. literally.)
  • "bro where to apply"
  • "Did Harvard, MIT, Meta, Google, sold $10M startup to Nvidia, happy to work for free" (sure you did...)
  • sends link to ugly unfinished projects
Please. Stop. This.
Doesn’t work this way.
Let me show you what works:

What Actually Worked 🚀

The top candidates all did these 5 things to get ahead:
1. Personalized Loom
Show your face. Share your excitement. Stand out.
2. Relevant Projects
Built something specifically for SuperX to show they get it.
3. Went Above and Beyond
Didn't just do the test. Crushed it. Added extra features.
4. Smart Follow-ups
Simple but effective. Shows real interest. Following up is still underrated.
5. Perfect Tone
Professional but casual. No "dear sir" energy. No “wassup bro” energy too.

How to write a perfect DM:

Understand this, when you cold DM someone, you DON’T have someone’s undivided attention.
Chances are they are checking the DM while their soup gets warm in the microwave.
Keep it short. Three paragraphs. That's all you get (and all you need) :
  1. Why you're excited about THIS specific project
  1. What you've actually built (with links)
  1. Why you're the perfect fit
Remember: You get 10 seconds of attention.
Make it count.
The secret sauce -
Always end with a question.
Why? It keeps the conversation going.
Bad: "Looking forward to hearing from you" Good: “I noticed that there is X problem with this market, how do you think we will solve that?”

Why This Process Works

This process always gives me the best folks.
The multi-step process reveals:
  • Who can ship fast
  • Who can take feedback
  • Who's easy to work with
  • Who goes the extra mile
You can't fake this stuff during a trial week.

The result:

After 50+ applications:
  • 10 made it past initial screening
  • 5 did the test project
  • 2 made it to trial week
  • 1 perfect match
And now? Time to build something amazing.

Next time you're reaching out to someone:
  1. Send a Loom
  1. Keep it short
  1. Show relevant work
  1. Ask a question
  1. Follow up (once)

Reply “DM” to this email and I will send you a great cold DM template for X 👇🏻
Always happy to help!
Keep building 💻 Tibo
P.S. Excited to share what (and who 👀) we're building SuperX with. Stay tuned!

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